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Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project ADAPTED TOPOGRAPHY by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao

Lanzarote is an island of unique natural heritage. Our proposal is to adapt the topography of the given site creating an elevation that will configure all the needs of a public dynamic square surrounded by vegetation and covered by wooden structures. The adapted topography creates a videomapping area, different stationary and walking areas and a central covered space that can be adapted to host temporary structures for different events. All structural elements will also hold facilities for those events.


Lanzarote, Spain

March 2018


Markel Urtiaga (Architect)