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Project TANGRAM by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project TANGRAM by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project TANGRAM by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project TANGRAM by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao
Project TANGRAM by Recon Architecture, architecture studio in Bilbao

We understand a full renovation of this degraded square as an assertion of the square itself as an urban habitable place. Our proposal is to adapt the square's triangular shape to this need by the development of its pavement. To do so, the triangular shape works as a pattern to draw pavement pieces that fit one with another, generating different spaces. The resulting drawings will also develop in height, making flowerbeds with vegetation and wooden sun visors to generate shadows.

LINKS: Competition panels (spanish, pdf): 1 2


Arrecife, Spain

March 2019

Competition - 2nd PRIZE

Markel Urtiaga (arkitektoa)